Hiring A Private Caregiver vs. Compassionate Assistance

Hiring A Private Caregiver vs. Compassionate Assistance  

Hiring private caregivers may often seem like a less costly alternative, but in reality, you are putting yourself at far greater risk than you may realize. At Compassionate Assistance, we are dedicated to providing the highest quality, compassionate in-home personal care, and that starts with our employees. We do all of the work to find the best caregivers so that you can be the client and don’t have to worry about the risk of also being the employer.

If you’re considering private in-home care, here are some questions you should be asking yourself and your potential caregivers:

Is This Caregiver A Safe Person?

Depending on how quickly you need support, you can accidently compromise your hiring procedures when hiring privately. Through Compassionate Assistance, our caregivers are background checked in all 50 states. They also go through a pre-employment drug screening, show proof of valid car insurance, and need a valid fingerprint card.

What Is The Liability Of Hiring Privately?

Private caregivers rarely carry general or professional liability insurance. If the caregiver fails to perform his/her duties or if he/she is injured at your home, you may very well be the party with the major liability. This applies to workers compensation as well. If the private in-home caregiver is injured while working at your home, they may look to you to pay for their medical bills or disability coverage. Imagine a $100k bill!

At Compassionate Assistance, all of our employees are W-2 employees, and this includes Worker’s Compensation coverage. Our employees are are bonded and insured, so that you aren’t liable.

We also take the time to go through a home safety check before care begins. This is done to ensure both the client and the caregiver are in a protected environment before care begins.

Is This Caregiver Qualified?

Hiring a caregiver privately gives you no assurance about their ability to ensure quality care.

We make sure that our caregivers are CPR certified, as well as go through training on chronic disease management. In addition to these requirements, our caregivers and are complete 20 CEUs (Continuing Education Units) per year. While all of our caregivers are outstanding, we encourage client feedback about how care is being provided. We also make infrequent unannounced appearances to ensure that the best quality of care is provided to our clients. When you hire privately, you miss this protection that ensures your loved one is being taken care of properly.

Do You Know What Kind of Care Is Being Provided?

Working with an established agency better ensures that you are receive the type of care that aligns with your values and needs. If you decide to hire privately, you run the risk of hiring someone that may not provide the highest quality of care to your loved ones. We hire people that are motivated, experienced, energetic, and passionate about delivering compassionate care. Compassionate Assistance ensures our caregiver arrives on time, each and every time. We are dedicated to making sure that the caregiver you work with is of the highest quality.

Our local team of Client Care Managers are on call 24/7 to answer your questions! We will work with you to design a customized plan of care that is right for you!