World Oral Health Day

Did you know that March 20th is World Oral Health Day?

Yes, there is actually a day that is devoted to oral health worldwide! In 2017, World Oral Health Day is Monday, March 20th. This presents an excellent opportunity to stop and consider if you are effectively managing your oral health. According to, the best thing that an individual can do is to adopt good oral health habits as a young person; doing so will help ensure that you experience good oral health in your later years.

The website encourages everyone to: safeguard your oral health, avoid risk factors, understand that good oral health is much more than a nice smile and, if you can, get involved with World Oral Health Day activities on March 20th. Risk factors include smoking, excessive use of alcohol and having an unhealthy diet.

Compassionate Assistance will be doing their part on World Oral Health Day! We will be bringing each of our clients a new toothbrush. Although you may not need the toothbrush at this time, dental professionals urge everyone to replace their toothbrush about every three months; of course, the toothbrush may need to be replaced sooner if the bristles are worn down.  When your caregiver visits you the week of March 20th, we will deliver your new toothbrush.
