Carl G. Santoro: Top Leader In The Home Care Industry

Nov 21, 2019 (Analyticawire) — Carl Gregory Santoro is a highly experienced healthcare influencer and founder of Compassionate Assistance. Compassionate Assistance is a concierge in home care agency.

Their services are managed by highly qualified care professionals that strive to provide the highest quality, compassionate in-home personal care to clients that are chronically ill, disabled, or are aging seniors. Compassionate Assistance’s approach offers innovative, science-based solutions that elevate the standards of in-home care to those that need it most.

With over 10 years worth of oriented business experience in the healthcare field, Carl’s professional record truly speaks for itself.

Carl obtained his Masters of Business Administration (MBA) as he was opening an office in Arizona. Carl has previously demonstrated his high level of skill sets through his ability to utilize his knowledge and apply it practically by developing realistic and profitable solutions when it comes to the aging population

Carl’s earlier years really indicate why he has such an inclination for providing the highest quality of services for those in need. At a young age, Carl was a caregiver for his younger brother, Joseph, who has Downs Syndrome. He believes this is what initially sparked his entrepreneurial ambitions.

This motivated Carl to move into the healthcare industry in the first place. He uses these past experiences to motivate and drive his vision of providing these services everyday.

When asked about how important the industry is to him he replied: “Healthcare is a large and growing industry because people will always need care and most importantly, want to live a happy life.” He goes on to say: “From first-hand experience, I knew what it meant to provide top-quality care and therefore, it is my mission to raise the bar on the quality of care provided in the Healthcare Industry. We at Compassionate Assistance are here to provide that.”

Carl strives to provide these services to everyone, whether they can afford it or not. He outlines Compassionate Assistance’s goal is to start a not-for-profit organization that will donate money to those transitioning from hospital care to in-home care and are unable to afford the incurred costs that are inherent of healthcare services. In addition to opening an educational training institute for caregivers.

Carl endeavors to stay ahead of a rapidly changing industry by leading the way with innovation. He keenly shapes his business models around scientific developments to ensure adaptability and top quality service.

He claims: “The healthcare industry is constantly changing to become more innovative. There are always new scientific developments being created, which change the way we provide our care services. Healthcare leaders need to be constantly adapting for their organizations to survive in what is a highly competitive industry.”

Carl leads by example. His methodology and general approach in the healthcare industry is to continue setting high goals for this team while driving them towards the fulfillment of their mission. He is incredibly skilled at recruiting, managing, and developing highly skilled healthcare executives and transitional care teams. He leads with ambition and determination, carving the way for industry standards and business initiatives while keeping his competitors on their toes as they rush to keep up.

If you wish to keep up with Carl’s movements and innovations within the healthcare industry follow him here on his LinkedIn profile.